Participating Artists
Christina Battle and Julie Carr, Jennifer Miller and Nikki Pike in association with the bARTer Collective, Lauren Bon, Glen Carney, Paulo Cirio, Amber Cobb, Heather Doyle-Maier, Gonzo, Alvin Gregorio, Rose Henderson, Inocente Izucar, Sharon Morrison, Risa Murray, Caroline (OUI) Pooler, dylan scholinski, Laura Shill, Sevilla Stinnett, Joel Swanson, Matthew Thompson, Gio Toninelo, Rebecca Vaughan, Jody Wood and LIDA Project/Source Theatre Company.
Chad Kautzer created this catalogue of the “Not Exactly” Exhibition for UO Community Philosophy Institute website.
Curator’s Statement in English and Spanish
How resources are distributed, spaces ordered, and boundaries policed reflect particular values. Values are written into the brick and mortar of our communities and structure our institutions, creating varying levels of vulnerability and privilege. Where we find ourselves—housed, homeless, or incarcerated—is thus the result of more than the sum of our own actions.
Not Exactly explores the material conditions and social relations that help constitute “home” or foreclose the possibility of belonging, for being homeless is not exactly the same as being without shelter. The artists in this exhibition challenge the values that produce social marginalization and unsafe places for so many. Their work calls upon all of us to reimagine our communities and cultivate the possibilities for living otherwise.
No Exactamente: Entre Hogar y Donde Me Encuentro
Declaración del Curador
La forma en que se distribuyen los recursos, se ordenan los espacios y se controlan los linderos refleja valores específicos. Los valores están inscritos en el ladrillo y la argamasa de nuestras comunidades y estructuran nuestras instituciones creando múltiples niveles de vulnerabilidad y de privilegio. Por tanto donde nos encontramos–en un hogar, sin él, o encarcelados–no es solamente el resultado de la suma de nuestras propias acciones.
No Exactamente explora las condiciones materiales y las relaciones sociales que ayudan a constituir el fenomeno del “hogar” o que cierran la posibilidad de “pertenecer,” dado que no tener hogar no es exactamente lo mismo que estar sin techo. Los artistas de esta exposición desafían los valores que producen la marginación social y los ámbitos de peligro para tantas personas. Su trabajo nos exhorta a reimaginar nuestras comunidades y cultivar posibilidades de vivir en forma diferente.

Click here to see the trailer and learn more about the Academy Award-winning documentary Inocente.
RedLine’s Not Exactly exhibition engages the private, public and nonprofit sectors in a thoughtful and artistic dialogue into what it means to be homeless. Pathways Home Colorado will work with partners to address the causes and misconceptions of homelessness in Colorado.
John W. Hickenlooper, Governor of Colorado
Chad Kautzer is Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Director of the Social Justice Minor at the University of Colorado Denver. Email:
Robin Gallite is Education Director at RedLine in Denver, Colorado. Email: