Existence of the Ostracized & Panic Button
Red Sponge Wall Installation, sound art accompaniment titled “Panic Button”
Medical Research Whistle Blower turned Full-Blown Artist! Existence of the Ostracized is inspired by the artists’ personal experience of job loss and poverty after blowing the regulatory whistle on her former employer. This action of exercising her rights as an American cost Carolyn the “mainstream lifestyle” she once knew. This wall installation speaks to the counter culture systems the artist learned to navigate in order to survive. The mood of the piece invokes a circus like feeling. The conformity of each red sponge so literally translated highlights the equality of all humanity. The concise counterclockwise pattern, tracks the painstaking steps to stay on track, find food, shelter and ultimately inspiration. Ancillary work Panic Button is a sound art expression of the job loss experience. This piece speaks for itself.